Treasure The Taste!

 Treasure The Taste!

"Todoroff's Original

Coney Island

With A Bowl Of

Todoroff's Original

Chili Con Carne"


Thank you for visiting the Todoroff Foods website. We have been serving great food and making customers happy for four generations and 111 years.

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The Todoroff Family of businesses started in 1914 when Macedonian immigrant George Todoroff founded the Jackson Coney Island, and, he created his famous recipe for Coney Island Chili Sauce. The Coney Island hot dog, and an American, was born! Four generations later, we've grown into a food manufacturing company.

Todoroff's Original Chili is our signature food. It's the cornerstone of our delicious Coney Islands which we've used through 4 generations in 10 Todoroff's restaurants. It's made with real ground beef (no organ meat, no substitutes, no fillers, no preservatives), real onions (fresh, not dehydrated), and our family's secret spices. We also produce Todoroff's Original Chili Con Carne. We market and sell both products through our food service distributors throughout Michigan, Ohio, and Indiana, and through our retail grocery stores in central Michigan. We also sell both products nationwide through our Todoroff Foods Internet Store online! We have a few other ideas on the drawing boards such as rice pudding, fried onions, spaghetti sauce, beef gravy, and our Todoroff's Original Chili Spices in both retail and institutional size packages.

Our food products are imitated by many, and copied by none. We spend more money on upscale ingredients than the other guys do so that we can provide you with the finest tasting food, period! Our food products have unbelievable taste because we don't cut any corners in our recipes. We don't hire celebrities to sing our praises, and we don't market gimmicks. We just cook great food, and we make our customers happy.

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Thank you for visiting our Website. We encourage you to look at our other web pages. You can find information about our history as well as about our customers' favorite recipes. You can also download a recipe booklet. You can even buy Todoroff's Original Chili from the Todoroff Foods Internet Store online.

We hope that you will return soon.


Todoroff's® Original Chili

Official Chili Sauce Of Coney Island Lovers, Everywhere!

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